Warning: Simple Daily Drawing Is Clean, Adult Fun

It is important to keep a fun, lighthearted sense of humor throughout your adulthood… Somehow adults forget how to be playful because their mind is occupied with all the stresses of their day to day activities. Drawing daily can help relieve stress, disconnect, and (drum roll….) LAUGH! At yourself, at your drawing, or just at life itself!
Are you too mature to draw immature things? No! Are you too serious to draw silly things? No! Are you too focused to draw doodles? No! Is your art too important to spend time drawing just for fun? No!
If you answered NO to all of those questions you’ll surely love the list of prompts we’ve provided you below!
Happiness in adults overall has been sliding downhill. No surprise here! Saddled with the pandemic of Covid19, the year 2020 “officially became the most stressful year in recent history” (Forbes). Coincidentally, that was also the year that Simple Daily Drawing was created and began lightening the load of life.
So let’s take a moment out of our serious, stressful life to giggle (or belly laugh!) with some super weird, kinda funny and a little immature drawing prompts!
Consider the prompt: Kangaroo Belches. It is a challenge for some to draw a kangaroo, but then add a sprinkle of goofy and show what a belch looks like from this amazing animal.
What shapes, lips, size do you think of with ‘Seashells for Teeth’ Prompt? Or which creature can you instantly imagine that has hairy ears? Why does King Kong eating KFC make us laugh? Because it’s funny!
Laughing is more than just child’s play, it is an ‘instant vacation’ that is FREEEEE for all of us. With adulthood and responsibility comes stress, and thus, it is an adult responsibility to have fun too.
Observe children as your role model for relieving stress. Children learn to laugh at things that make us human, such as sounds the body makes. Just the word “fart” can send kiddos into a laughing fit, not to mention belches, loud yawns, smelly things or funny bodily functions.
Maybe you remember the saying that laughter is the best medicine, right? Studies reveal the following wellness benefits from your snickers…including the howling caused by drawing/viewing creative designs:
Immune system boost
Pain relief. i.e. feel groovy, baby
Soothes symptoms of depression
Enriches personal relationships (side note: women actually laugh 125% more than men)
Social benefits …mood enhancement all ‘round!
Internal workout of the abs and belly
Ups lung capacity, breath in breath out
Burns calories, need we say more?
Finally, humor is a language that we all can speak. It doesn't matter where you live, how many fancy ink markers you own, or what the weather is like. No one is counting how many times it takes for you to get started on your daily drawing nor how many erasers you need to feel safe.
Snicker to yourself, look side to side and then put pen to paper, laugh, catch your breath, repeat.
Plus, seriously folks, there has been enough stress going around and it is your adult job to make yourself happy, no one else's.
… a word to the wise, allow yourself to get weird with the list of SDD prompts below, and show off your healthy artful spirit!
Over caffeinated coffee beans
Dizzy astronaut
Lipstick on pet pig
Little fart
Chopsticks for legs
Bathroom graffiti
Poodle swimming in a pool
Rat using a hoola hoop
King Kong eats KFC
Hairy ears
Epic Fail
Two Horses in a convertible
Pencils on a date
Hiccuping skunk
A view from inside a vacuum cleaner
Sardines singing karaoke
Smelly shoes
Blue cheese on ice cream
Purple baby giggles
Eiffel tower wearing socks
Kangaroo belches
Scarecrow tattoo
Yikes, your ___ is showing!
Slimy frog sneeze
Nose ring on Granny
2-headed cheerleader
Seashells for teeth
Drunken bat
Loud yawning sloth
Sloth in a polka dot bikini
“A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, overflows, and bubbles all around. ” - Carolyn Birmingham
Are you participating with our online art community? It's a blast, with even more creative challenges and a community of participants having fun doing them! Check it out here!
I LOVE THE LIST OF SUPER WEIRD PROMPTS!! HAHA I am definitely going to add this list to my lists of things to accomplish 😄 and I'm going to do it with as much creativity as I can muster. This list is worth doing.
Thank you SDD!! You bring out the best in me. I find so much joy being a part of your world!